unused resources中文什么意思

发音:   用"unused resources"造句
  • unused:    adj. 1.未用过的;不用的,空着 ...
  • resource:    n. 1.〔pl.〕资源;物力,财力 ...
  • remove unused:    移除未使用的素材
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  1. Method to free up unused resources by the current transform
  2. The . net framework uses the reference - tracing garbage collection system to periodically release unused resources
    . net framework使用“参考跟踪垃圾收集”系统定期释放未使用的资源。
  3. But what exactly is out there in the grid world that can help us to make use of these unused resources for our own projects
  4. Grid technology allows users to locate an unused resource that matches the execution requirements of an application for example , computer , operating system , and data and schedule the immediate execution of that application
    网格技术允许用户定位能够满足应用程序执行要求的未使用资源(例如,计算机、操作系统和数据等) ,并允许对应用程序的立即执行进行调度。


  1. unused objects 什么意思
  2. unused oil 什么意思
  3. unused outstanding balance 什么意思
  4. unused point 什么意思
  5. unused portion of letter of credit 什么意思
  6. unused storage location 什么意思
  7. unused sub-n component 什么意思
  8. unused time 什么意思
  9. unused to te bed 什么意思
  10. unused tra forms 什么意思


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